Category: math
Rainbow Fact Adds up to 10
Use this booklet to help your child learn the numbers that add up to 10
[pdf-light-viewer id=”192″]
You can purchase and download this booklet here
You can watch a video of it being read on our YouTube Channel
Do you or your kids struggle with Math?
Math can be easy.
It doesn’t have to be hard…
check this video out even a preschooler can understand exponent addition when it is put in a simple way…
It may not be the student with the problem.
Maybe you weren’t the one with the problem maybe the person teaching it to you didn’t explain it is a way you understood…
Do not get me wrong I love teaches and have the greatest respect for them. However they have one of the toughest jobs on the planet, in my opinion.
Every Child learns differently.
Let me explain, every child has had different experiences, every child has learnt different things, the way every child learns is different, so how on earth is it possible for every child to understand a concept when it is only taught in one way and the teacher only has time to teach it in only that one way and has 30 or so students in the class. Yes the majority of the students will get it but there will be those that do not for various reasons.
You/Your Child is NOT dumb.
More to the point just because a child doesn’t understand a concept it doesn’t mean they are dumb, look for another way to engage the child and help them understand.
Think outside the square.
When my daughter was learning fractions she was really struggling, however I had the luxury of only teaching 1 child as I was home educating her.
Part of the problem was she was getting very confused with the difference between 2/3 (two thirds) and 2 1/3 (two and one third) she thought they were the same. So I got her to choose which she thought was biggest, than I got some rectangular chocolate biscuits and cut them into the fractions and physically showed her the fraction. Unfortunately for her she thought the two thirds (2/3) was biggest so I got the two and one thirds. She never forgot the difference and it really helped her understand.
Fun with Math
A bit of fun with Math
check out the fun with the double mobius loop
For those who are not sure what a mobius loop is below is a picture of one.
How to help children with their maths
Many times children struggle with Maths because they have missed some of the really early key concepts.
When my Mum was a math tutor she had a grade 11 girl come to her because she was completely struggling with all of her maths and simply could not understand it at all and she really felt like she was dumb. Mum did some basic diagnosis with her and found that she was lacking some key concepts and took her back to dot pattern recognition. Within a month or two this young lady was completely understanding her Algebra and felt more confident and knew what she was doing.
Below is a small app to help children practice and learn their dot pattern recognition. At this time it is only available on desktops, stay tuned for App Store and Google Play release. This version only works in “Practice Mode” and has no sound for the full version go here.
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”dynamic” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”../../Dots.swf” width=”550″ height=”400″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]